Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Years Beauty Resolutions

Happy New Year!

The following are beauty tips from the January 1948 issue of Motion Picture magazine attributed to the stars, but most likely were actually written by a magazine staff member.

"Irene Dunne" says:
Resolve to attend to all the details that make up the composite of beauty --buttons and snaps sewed on clothes, freshly laundered collars and cuffs, secure straps on slips. Make sure dress hems are straight, likewise heels on shoes. Keep in mind that cleanliness --the daily bath, perspiration control-- even though it may not show, is the keynote to a beautiful woman, makes for a "just-stepped-out-of-the-bathtub" appearance.

 "Rita Hayworth" says:
Resolve always to wear foundation and powder that improve your skintones, never to wear lipstick or nail polish that clash with costume colors. If skin is too ruddy, stay away from face coverings containing pink; do wear them if you're a pale-face or if skin is sallow. Your lipstick wardrobe should hold a rosy red to wear with light neutrals and pastels, a rich blue-red for wine, fuchsia and all shades of blue, a sparkling clear red to complement black, navy, brown, green.

 "Deanna Durbin" says:
Resolve to remove make-up completely and thoroughly every night; most skin faults can be traced directly to improper cleansing. Swish off make-up and surface dirt with cream, rely on soap and water for deep-pore cleansing. If skin is oily, experiment with the new creams that are washed off instead of wiped off; use astringent to subdue oiliness. Dry skin needs lubricating cream after cleansing, always at bedtime.
 "Myrna Loy" says:
Resolve never to be caught with red, roughened hands, with chipped nail polish. Acquire the habit of using hand lotion or cream after every hand-wetting, always dry hands carefully, push back cuticle with towel. Patch up marred nail lacquer immediately, completely change every week. Use one of the new base coats which actually make polish stick for keeps; seal in color with a special top coat. Avoid awkward gestures, use hands with poise and grace.
"Joan Caulfield" says:
Resolve to give locks a thorough brushing every night, wielding your hairbrush from the scalp upward and outward. Shampoo whenever necessary, at least once a week, more often if hair gets oily. Pep up its color with a tinted after-rinse; counteract dryness with cream rinses, cream massages. Give thought to your permanent problems. Consult operator six weeks in advance to see if hair needs treatment, to determine type of wave that's best for you.

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